In this meditation you will be visualizing three spheres of colored light. Visualize the spheres about the size of a pea.
Let the breath be natural during the meditation, resting in the visualization during the minutes of silence.
- Bring your attention to your forehead center and visualize a white sphere of light.
- If the mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the white sphere at your forehead.
- Rest your mind naturally on the white sphere.
- If your attention wanders, recognize how long it takes to catch and bring your attention back to the white sphere.
- Place your mind at your throat center and visualize a red sphere of light.
- Allow your mind to rest naturally on the red sphere in your throat center.
- Place your mind at the heart center while visualizing a blue sphere.
- If you need more support, breathe into the heart center while you visualize a blue sphere of light.
- Place your attention on the white sphere in your forehead center…the red sphere in your throat center…the blue sphere in your heart center…holding all three spheres gently with your attention.
- Dissolve all three spheres and rest your mind.
- Visualize the three spheres once again resting with ease.
After Mediation
- Did your mind calm while visualizing colored light?
- Did your mind calm down more when you were visualizing one of the spheres or all three simultaneously?
- Did you find it easier to rest the mind on internal objects more than external objects or vice versa?
- What supports calming your mind more, when you have a lot to put your attention on or less?
During the Day
When opportunities allow, visualize the three spheres of light, one at a time or all three. Be aware that we fill our minds constantly with visualizations, we call thoughts. Become familiar with directing your thoughts to assist in calming the mind.