Insight 10: Gaining Certainty of the Calm Mind and the Moving Mind

Verse 17

When one looks again and again at the mind that is not a thing to be seen,
And sees vividly for what it is the meaning of not seeing,
Doubts about the meaning of “is” and “isn’t” are erased.
Without confusion, may my own face know itself.


Allow the quiet times in the recording to bring certainty.


  • Rest the mind in the awareness of the calm mind and the moving mind. 
  • Allow thoughts to run wild and be aware of them, not their content, but their movement. 
  • While you are looking and being aware of thoughts, can you also be aware of the calm mind? 
  • Let a thought appear, catch it immediately, and look directly at it. 
  • What happens to the thought? 
  • Look directly at a thought and when you do not hold onto it, what happens? 
  • Recognize the calm mind
  • When there is a calm mind, is there no thought occurring? 
  • When there is a thought, is there no stillness? 
  • Calm mind and thoughts are like the ocean and its waves. They are inseparable.
  • Rest in the certainty of how the mind is.

After Meditation

  • Are you able to recognize a calm mind and a moving mind? 
  • Are you able to directly recognize the relationship of the calm mind and the moving mind?  
  • Do thoughts appear to dissolve when you see them directly?
  • Are you free of any preferences in resting with a calm mind or in resting with the mind that moves?

During the Day

As events unfold during the day, rest briefly free of trying to control, manipulate or fabricate the experience. Be with the experience recognizing calm mind and moving mind inseparable. Visualize or look at an ocean and its waves and realize their relationship is like calm mind and moving mind.