Looking directly at the nature of a thought. Allow the quiet times in the recording to support your looking at the mind.
- Let the mind rest, aware of a calm and spacious mind.
- Allow a thought to be generated…look at the thought…not the content of the thought, but the thought itself.
- Does the thought have a color?
- Does the thought have a shape?
- Does the thought have any form?
- Generate another thought, look to see where did the thought arise from?
- Does the thought appear to persist, and if so, how does it remain?
- Where does the thought disappear to while you are looking at it?
- Can you find a location for the thought?
- Inside the body or outside the body?
- Generate a thought of a field of flowers.
- Is the thought the same as the field of flowers?
- Looking at the moving mind, the thoughts that are always moving that are always changing, what moves?
- Rest the looking. Rest the mind.
After Meditation
- Were you able to recognize a mind in movement?
- How often did you need to generate a thought?
- Did you find you did not need to generate a thought?
- Did the same thought appear to persist?
- Were you free of any mental disturbances during the meditation?
- Were you free of judging thoughts during the meditation?
- Do you find that thoughts appear real and solid?
- Are you developing a different relationship with your thoughts?
During the Day
Notice when you are involved with a constant barrage of thoughts. Take a moment and look at one of the thoughts, the moving mind directly. Recognize what happens to the thought.
Does it appear to vanish? Or does it turn into another thought? Develop some clarity about the mind that moves by remembering to look directly at a thought during the day.