Experiencing thoughts and sensations while allowing the quiet times to support the experience.
- Let your mind rest open and awake.
- Look at the mind that rests. Can you recognize it?
- Allow a thought or sensation to arise. Can you recognize the mind that is now moving?
- Rest with the moving mind.
- Do you have an awareness of the mind that rests and the mind that moves?
- Is there a familiarity with a mind at rest and a mind that is moving?
- Look at the mind free of making any stories.
- How is the mind that experiences a thought or a sensation different from the mind that experiences the mind at rest?
- Look at what is aware of the mind at rest and the mind moving.
- Can you separate the mind at rest from the mind moving?
- Rest the mind naturally.
After Meditation
- Were you able to resist altering your experience of the mind that rests and the mind that moves?
- What happened when you looked at what is aware?
- Was there a desire to find something, or could you rest in not finding anything concrete?
During the Day
Several times a day take brief moments to be familiar with a calm mind and a moving mind free of getting caught up with any content or judgment.