Developing Capacity 10: Vastness/Nature of Mind

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Let your mind rest with your breathing. 
  • Let the breathing fill your whole body and let it expand, free of boundaries. 
  • Let the mind settle as vast as the sky. 
  • If your mind runs wild, place your attention on the vastness of mind, where you cannot fix anything in its place.  
  • Rest free of control; calm, focused and clear. 
  • Recognize mind’s nature. 
  • Recognize the spaciousness of mind, the aliveness of mind, vivid but insubstantial like a rainbow. 
  • Rest in the spaciousness of the mind. 
  • While resting in this way, recognize that the mind manifests in a myriad of ways.  
  • Rest in the wonderment of all that there is.

After Meditation

  • What happens to your relationship with life when you recognize that what manifests is amazing?  
  • Were there longer moments of being focused and clear?

During the Day

Stop and notice how amazing it is all the thoughts that are manifesting rather than being hooked by them.