Developing Capacity 11: The Observer

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Rest the mind.
  • Look at the observer of a calm mind and a moving mind. 
  • Rest free from engaging with the conceptual mind. 
  • Observe the nature of the mind, while resting naturally. 
  • Repeat looking at the observer, then at the nature of the mind. 
  • Repeat looking at the observer and the nature of the mind until there is no difference between looking at the observer and looking at the nature of the mind. 
  • Rest the mind.

After Meditation

  • Does it appear that the observer dissolves and reappears, dissolves, and reappears? 
  • Is there a point when this process slows down? 
  • Or by looking for the observer you cannot find the observer? 
  • Is there a point when the resting in not finding the observer is more than a glimpse?

During the Day

Look at the observer briefly throughout the day in order to have confidence there is nothing to find.