Developing Capacity 13: Mind’s Miraculous Manifestations

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Rest in the spaciousness of the mind.
  • Now look at the mind’s miraculous power of being able to manifest anything. 
  • Think of the moon and you are connected. 
  • Think of the sky and let your mind open to the sky. 
  • Allow the mind to manifest anything whatsoever, while remaining free of judging.  
  • Can you recognize how flexible the mind is and what a miracle this is? 
  • What happens to thoughts when you are not holding on to any of their miraculous manifestations? 
  • Rest in non-doing.

After Meditation

  • If you see thoughts for what they are, are you freer of preferences? 
  • Is there a more accepting attitude towards your thoughts?

During the Day

Take opportunities to be freer of accepting and rejecting thoughts by reminding yourself of the nature of thoughts.