Developing Capacity 14: Removing Doubt from Meditation

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Rest in the openness of mind, that which you cannot pinpoint, that which you cannot find.
  • Rest free from conceptualizing about thoughts and appearances. 
  • Look at the mind which is the object of meditation. 
  • Look for the meditator. 
  • Can you find anything you can say about the meditation or the meditator? 
  • Rest in the spaciousness, the openness of mind. 
  • Is there any thought, any appearance, separate from this spacious, openness of mind? 
  • Rest the mind. 
  • Whatever appears, a subtle thought, an obvious thought or no thought, look at it directly. 
  • Again, look to see if any thought or appearance is separate from this spacious, openness of the mind. 
  • Rest in the spaciousness of the mind. 

After Meditation

  • Has mind’s nature changed at any point during this meditation? You are looking at your capacity to recognize mind’s nature. 
  • If you can do this meditation, have doubts lessened?

During the Day

Remember to have moments of recognizing thoughts and appearances inseparable from the spaciousness of mind.