Developing Capacity 3: What is Experience?

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Rest in the spaciousness of mind.
  • Rest the mind open to all experience.
  • Look at the mind. 
  • What is the source of all experience? 
  • Can you take out the “I” from experience? 
  • Rest in the spaciousness of mind and all experience inseparable.
  • Can you separate emptiness and experience? 
  • Be with the spaciousness of mind. 
  • Be with all experience. 
  • Rest in the nature of the mind. 

After Meditation

  • Can you take the “I” out of experience? 
  • How do you keep from placing importance on an experience that arises in meditations? 
  • Take your time here.

During the Day

Notice how you place importance on thoughts while not recognizing they are inseparable from emptiness. 
This is to familiarize with the nature of mind, while refraining from using emptiness as an antidote to unpleasant thoughts.