Developing Capacity 7: Sensory Field

Verse 18

Look at objects and there is no object: one sees mind;
Look at mind and there is no mind: it is empty of nature;
Look at both of these and dualistic clinging subsides on its own.
May I know sheer clarity, the way mind is.


  • Rest in the experience of breathing. 
  • Expand your field of attention to all that arises within the senses, the sensory field. 
  • Rest in the field of experience through the senses. 
  • What experience is this? 
  • Were you able to find an answer to this question, what experience is this? 
  • Rest in whatever is happening. 
  • Rest in the impermanence of the sensory field and how the senses are experienced. 
  • Rest free from doing anything at all.

After Meditation

  • Is it becoming easier to rest in impermanence?

During the Day

Find examples of the following as you go about your day. 
Can you find where things arise in the sensory field? 
Can you recognize how invested you are in apparent reality? 
What is your attitude to what you experience? 
Can you leave things as they are for a moment and rest in experience?