Expressing the Qualities of Buddhahood


Verse 24

With the special seeing and knowing that come through
the power of practice,
I bring beings to spiritual maturity, purify domains of awakening, and
Fulfill the wishes of students to realize spiritual qualities.
May I be fully awake—the culmination of fulfillment, refinement, and ripening.

  • Like the Buddha, rest in presence with complete confidence, abiding in the stability of being. With stability, equanimity flows to support all beings with harmony and balance. 
  • Like the Buddha, rest in presence where thoughts dissolve and clarity is naturally present. Like the Buddha, all that arises in experience is known to be emptiness and clarity inseparable. This knowing manifests as the ability to be present and helpful to others. 
  • Like the Buddha, rest in presence free from preference, opening your being to everyone, allowing compassion to arise freely to all.
  • Like the Buddha rest in presence, free of busyness, unleashing effective actions; see what beings need and lending them a helping hand along the path of awakening. 
  • Like the Buddha rest in presence, resting in the totality of experience, free of any reference. Through the union of wisdom and emptiness, compassion flows freely for the benefit of each and every being.  
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